
07.08 What information needs to be included in Section 2B?

Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales

Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales
Authors: Civitas Law education team
01 Nov 2024

A: SenseCheck

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  • 01 Nov 2024
  • Other


    Can't answer yes or no.:

    Section 2B needs to include the following (sections 2B.2/2B.3/2B.5/2B6 are appealable to the  Education Tribunal Wales (ETW)):

    2B.1: the outcome it is intended will result from the ALP: the intended outcomes should be Specific, Measurable Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound: para 23.20 ALN Code 2021.

    2B.2: the ALP to be provided: this should be detailed, specific and quantifiable: para 23.37 ALN Code 2021.

    2B.3 Whether the ALP should be provided in Welsh.

    2B.4 The organisation to provide the ALP.

    2B.5 The date from which the ALP will be provided. In many cases this will be from the date the IDP is finalised. 

    2B.6 This should set out the date for review of the IDP or, (where it is clear that ALP will not be required in the future) the date when the ALP will end. 

    2B.7 The rationale for the ALP: This section of the IDP might just refer to the record of information used to develop the IDP where there is no difference of opinion, nor other need to explain a decision: para 23.41 ALN Code 2021, but an explanation will need to be given where there is a difference of opinion: para 23.42 ALN Code 2021

    Where there are different elements to a person’s ALP, each of the sub sections above must be given for each element of ALP: para 23.29 ALN Code.

    Nodi glossary:  Education Tribunal Wales

    Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales

    Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales
    Authors: Civitas Law education team