
My autistic grandson does not like the fact that the school has no Ofsted report. This has increased his anxiety and led him to refuse to attend the consultation, and the school if they agree that they can meet his needs? I am concerned that the LEA may offer this placement. Where do I stand in regards to this matter?

Ideally I would like to quash the consultation.


Maria Clark
Primary carer
01 May 2024

A: SenseCheck

  • 0 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 1 Other


  • 31 May 2024
  • Other


    Can't answer yes or no.:

    On the school havng no Ofsted:

    1. If it's a school that's converted into an academy, there'll be a previous school - that would have a report. Often, when a school converts, most of the staff and pupils remain the same so there'd be some applicability to the new school. That said, how applicable it is still depends on how long ago it was and what grade. If it was a poor Ofsted, then a lot of time and money might have gone into the school to make it good again (even if the inspectors haven't been back yet). 
    2. If it's a brand new school, it would have had some sort of pre-inspection to allow it to first take new pupils. Even if this isn't published, it still happened and it's not that Ofsted have never taken a loook at it.
    3. There's no rules/laws that say a LA can't consult with a school that doesn't have an Ofsted.

    Therefore, it's a tall order to argue that the lack of an Ofsted is a relevant issue in the decision on who can meet grandson's needs. I recognise that's perhaps not the answer you might have hoped for, but I'd not want to raise your hopes only to be later disappointed.

    From the question, it's tricky to know what conversations have gone on with this re Ofsted before the anxiety started increasing. Also tricky to know what level the anxiety is at. Also, unsure if he's in school at the moment or at home / home ed / non-attending. All these points may be relevant to what happens next (e.g. the LA naming and then going down the legal route if he doesn't attend).

    Ultimately, there's a boy here who needs an education. I can't say what that is - but really hope it works out the best for him.

    Aaron King

    Aaron King
    9000 Lives SEND Consultancy