
10.06 When does the duty on a school/FEI to maintain an IDP cease?

Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales

Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales
Authors: Civitas Law education team
01 Nov 2024

A: SenseCheck

  • 0 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 1 Other


  • 01 Nov 2024
  • Other


    Can't answer yes or no.:

    The duty to maintain will come to an end in the case of a school or FEI where:

    • The school or FEI decides that the child or young person no longer has ALN;
    • The pupil is a young person who no longer consents to the IDP being maintained, or is a child becoming a young person who does not consent;
    • The child or young person ceases to be a registered pupil at the school or an enrolled student at the FEI;
    • In the case of a school or FEI, the child or young person becomes dual registered and a local authority is responsible for the pupil;
    • The local authority decides to take over responsibility for the IDP;
    • The pupil is a child who becomes looked after;
    • A local authority in England starts to maintain an EHCP for the child or young person;
    • The child or young person becomes subject to detention orders, or
    • The young person attains the age of 25, in which the duty to maintain will cease at the end of the academic year in which the person attains that age. 
    Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales

    Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales
    Authors: Civitas Law education team