
Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales

Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales
Authors: Civitas Law education team
01 Nov 2024

A: SenseCheck

  • 0 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 1 Other


  • 01 Nov 2024
  • Other


    Can't answer yes or no.:

    To ensure continuity an IDP usually moves with the CYP. ALNET places a duty to transfer the IDP in the following cases:


    1. an in-year move between maintained schools: s.35(1) and (3) ALNET- in such cases the new school must maintain the IDP unless it is a dual registration case in which case the IDP transfers to the LA: para 12.88 ALN Code 2021
    2. a move into a maintained school at the start of an academic year, having been in another one in the previous year – in such cases the new school; must take over the IDP: section 35(2) & (3) ALNET.
    3. a move into an FEI at the start of an academic year, having been at a maintained school in the previous year - the FEI must maintain the IDP where this was being maintained by the school on the last day of education or training provided to the pupil at that school: s.35(4) & (6) ALNET
    4. a child or young person becomes dual registered – the LA responsible for the CYP must take over the IDP: para 28.11 ALN Code 2021
    5. Where a CYP has an IDP maintained by an LA then moves their main residence to another LA, the IDP should transfer to the new LA: s.35(7) & (8) ALNET.
    6. a child becomes looked after the LA must maintain the IDP: s.35(11) – (13) ALNET.
    7.  a child or young person ceases to be looked after: please see paragraphs 28.17 – 28.20 ALN Code 2021; and
    8. from a local authority to an FEI by agreement or following determination by the Welsh Ministers: see paragraphs 28.21 to paragraph 28.28 of the ALN Code 2021


    A few other situations involve the transfer of responsibility for an IDP but these are dealt with elsewhere as follows: 


    Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales

    Nodi No-nonsense Guide Wales
    Authors: Civitas Law education team