Results [2]
  • Year 10 options

    My son is in year 9 at a mainstream secondary school, however is in a special unit there which they say is a school in between a special school and mainstream. My son is autistic and has speech and language delay. We have been told that for year 10 his options will be level 1 maths and English. I have looked at another school in the area that teaches autistic children and they are offered so much more such as lots of vocational programmes along side there maths and English. Do you think I would be best trying to move him to somewhere that could accommodate him to do that? Would I have a fight on my hands to get the local authority to agree to move him? I am just so worried that he is not being offered more options and the school system is failing him again. Has anyone any positive stories of what their child went on to do?
    Thank you in advance

  • Can a registered early years provision that offers specialist therapies to disabled children be named on an EOTAS plan?

    The LA have agreed to consider an EOTAS package as no school can meet our sons complex combination of needs.

    They have deemed that school would be suitable for him at the moment and he would be at risk of significant emotional harm.

    We want to have him as part of the package and other therapies to access a specialist charity provision that is registered as an early years provider (nursery) is this possible?

    Is there any where i can sourse legal presidence for this?

    J W

    10 Jul 2023