02.13 Do the SEN provisions in CFA2014 operate in a vacuum?
02.05 Are the parents of a child with an EHCP legally obliged to send their child to the educational placement specified in that EHCP?
02.02 Are all children with SEN educated in a school?
02.10 Does higher education fall within the SEN legal framework?
02.12 Does the LA have to consult prior to making budgetary cuts?
02.03 Do all children with SEN who attend schools attend special schools?
02.04 Can a CYP attend a special school without an EHCP?
02.06 Can the parent of a child with an EHCP refuse the placement the EHCP specifies, but insist that the LA still secures the SEP which the plans ...
... specifies in its section F?
02.07 Must the LA (and then the FTT in an appeal) have regard to any particular factors when exercising its SEN functions?
02.14 Can the LA end up being responsible for funding an education placement under a social services ‘care plan’?