Results [23]
  • Does the LA have a duty to make a decision, and notify parents of that decision, following an EHC Plan review, if there is an ongoing appeal?

    I registered an appeal for my Child’s Ammended Final EHC Plan, the LA had already agreed to review the plan, and indeed after the appeal was registered by tribunal, an EHC Plan review meeting was held; all professionals within that meeting stressed that the named school on my Child’s EHC Plan was unsuitable, the LA now claims that due to the ongoing appeal, they will not finalise the review or issuing a notice of the outcome of the review.

    The LA instead intends to make make applicable changes to the working document, based on the review outcomes, but I find that this:
    - frustrates my rights to appeal the outcome of the review
    - confuses the working document by introducing changes outside of the scope of appeal, e.g. sections A & E

  • My son's ehcp was granted but the council have refused to write 1:1 support in section F, despite their Educational Pyschologists specifying that he needs this. Instead they have written 'individualised' which does not constitute the same thing. The case officer stated in email that they are not allowed to write 1:1 support. What legislation applies to provide the right and specified provision - along with the quantity of how often they should receive this? They also finalised section J, despite providing a personal budget as requested which is to be used for OT services. Any advice would be kindly appreciated. thanks
  • My son has a terrible EHCP in place (current review at draft stage), but he’s been rejected from a Sen school by LA, and mainstream nursery won’t have him as his EHCP doesn’t reflect his needs - what options do I have?

    My son will be 3 in July. His current EHCP reflects very little needs, which is very inaccurate (his paediatrician has written that he needs 1:1 in mainstream, just for context). The LA rejected his school place request at early review quoting the child and families act, but didn’t actually give a reason why. The school we applied for takes from age 3. The LA have said they will consult with the school about looking into the school place April 2025. The mainstream nursery have said they can’t secure extra funding needed to support my son at nursery with his current EHCP as it is, so what options do I have?
    I’m very confused if a school take from 3, why we would be rejected now but put forward for consideration next April instead as surely this is based on his current needs?

  • What is the cost of moving an EHCP from one local authority to another?

    Our son has an excellent and up to date EHCP and is extremely happy at a specialist school. How we the school is an hour in a taxi from our home. We would like to reduce his journey and move closer to the school. However we are concerned the new local authority would name a new school within the 15 day window they have to review his EHCP. We are concerned the cost to fight this could escalate.

    Elaine Coverley

    09 Apr 2024

  • Still waiting for EHCP, son not coping in state school

    We started the EHCP process in Feb 23, and we still haven't seen a draft plan. There's been huge breaks between specialist appointments but we've finally spoken to the educational psychologist. We're nearly at 30 weeks since this process started.

    My contact at the council isn't responding to me.

    Can anyone advise who I should be contacting within a council to get an update.

    My son has just started a mainstream school and has become violent and isn't receiving much support as we don't have this plan.

  • What do I need to say to the EP to get an EHCP?

    Hi there, my daughter is 3.5 years old and has recently been diagnosed with ASD and she is due to start school in September 2024. On 4th January 2024 the EP is coming to assess her at nursery for the EHCP process. I am really worried about this as when (a different) EP came to visit her before they said ‘there are other kids in this position that will not get an EHCP’ - however I (and the nursery SENDCo) don’t see how my daughter will be able to cope or learn anything at school without an EHCP. So basically I’m super worried the EP is going to assess my daughter based on what our local authority can afford rather than provide her the care that she needs.

    I’m sure this is a common question but greatly appreciate any help!

    Matt Riley

    18 Dec 2023

  • Can my child be placed enrol if Sections B&F are still outstanding but I is agreed?

    Appeal against B, F & I. The LA have conceded on I. Placement is a non s41 school which my son started last week. The LA have updated their position to tribunal & placement is agreed in the working document. We are not yet agreed on B & F but the outstanding issues aren’t going to result in huge changes to provision however the school have now informed me that until the plan is finalised he can’t be placed enrol, so can’t attend full time and his place is at risk as he can’t be in transition for this length of time. With the appeal date so far away surely I can’t be forced to agree B & F or lose the school ?

    M H

    09 Nov 2023

  • Further support

    My child started secondary school, he has a link teacher to help in his individual classes however he repeats they are often not there all the time in his lessons. If he is at lessons with no link support teacher he often has to sit at the back doesn't really understand what is happening. I'm new to secondary school system should a support teacher he there at all lessons because when they aren't he is isolated at the back not knowing what he is doing?

    M Y

    12 Oct 2023

  • Can the LA impose their own policy on consulting schools?

    We have a "transition review" coming up (child in year 6) and also a contents tribunal a few weeks after that. Perhaps because of the latter, the LA are being particularly hostile and obstructive towards us.

    We want them to consult with a non-section 41 school which we belive meets our child's needs. The school has indicated they'd be happy to receive evidence from us e.g. Tribunal Working Document, reports from experts (e.g. OT and EdPsych) which give a fuller picture than the current EHCP, but they want the LA to consult.

    We have good reason to think they will object and try to obstruct on various grounds (which they've used recently with others)

    - Refusing to consult one school before consulting others (Catch 22 for us as it's non Section 41 and we need to know whether they'll offer a place before we can name it)

    - They have an internal policy that they insist on naming at least two or three schools and that one of these must be mainstream. This to me sounds like a blanket policy they've imposed locally and not law. Can I challenge it?

    - Can they refuse to disclose accurate information to any other schools they consult (e.g. their own schools), if we disclose that they share it - e.g. working document, expert reports etc.?

    thank you


    O J

    26 Sep 2023

  • Can we appeal for transport to specialist school if we've said we'll organise it?

    D14, autistic, SPD has been given a placement at an independent specialist. Nearest mainstream said they could still meet need (though they have to say that, right?) so we've had to agree to transport my daughter. Daughter lives with dad (my ex) and he now says he can't transport every day (he's a lecturer and his work can't put all his lectures during her school hours). I'm 90 minutes away and disabled. The EHCP is still in draft as moved from one LA to current after draft received and EHCP is vague and missing huge amount of necessary detail. Annual Review to be held 6 weeks into first term to transfer ECHP into new LA's format etc. Main issue for my daughter is environment so mainstream could meet academic need but she'd not be able to attend as she needs a small, quite setting. Is there any point trying to appeal this? Do I wait until the Annual Review and hope the EHCP is more detailed and therefore it's easier to prove that the mainstream can't meet need? Very frustrated that I've worked for a year to get her an EHCP and a suitable placement for her to risk losing it!