How to change school with EHCP plan?
She is being bullied, she is in a small group where she is the only girl in a class. Her plan target's is not being met. She emotionaly very down.
A: SenseCheck
- 2 Yes
- 0 No
- 0 Other
- 12 Mar 2023
Ms Heltai - I am sorry to hear about the difficulties your daughter is having.
The obvious way to raise issues is is at a review meeting:
04.035 Does the LA have to review an EHCP?
If one is not scheduled for the near future, a parent can ask the LA to bring the meeting forward to discuss the issue of (amongst other things) placement named in section I of a child's EHCp.
If a parent is not successful in addressing a matter/s at the review meeting, they have the option to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal:
12.12 Are there particular time limits for appeals?
I would be interested to read the contribution of others.
- 12 Mar 2023
Look at the phone number on the front of your EHCP (or a covering letter that came with it) to find the number of your local council SEND Team.
Call em. Ask to speak to someone about your daughter.
Ask them about moving. They'll normally say one of two things:
1. Ask school to call an early annual review.
2. Which school(s) do you want us to consult for a place for?
Which they say can vary (e.g. on the reasons you're asking, where you want her to go, whether your EHCP is in draft/final).