We have Special School LA maintained named in section I, nearly all schools we have come back and said they cant meet need. Our preference school did a home assesment and advised they wont enrol this year as feel he is not ready, my son is 6. I dont know what to do next, thank you.
Son has a diagnosis of ASD Significant soeech delay Sensory Processing disorder and double incontinence.
A: SenseCheck
- 1 Yes
- 0 No
- 0 Other
- 20 Mar 2023
To resolve issues over (amongst other things) schooling, and if they have the right to do so, a parent or young person can appeal to the FTT. An introduction to starting the appeal process can be found here:
12.12 Are there particular time limits for appeals?
The Noddy guide provides a comprehensive account of the process followed.
With regards the issues to be determined, the FTT stands in place of the LA.
I would be very interested to read the contributions of others.