What are the current legal hours of education provision from over 19 year old with an EHCP
My young person has been offered a provision of only two and half days. I am queuring whether this is legal and if there is a set number if hours that need to be provided.
A: SenseCheck
- 0 Yes
- 0 No
- 1 Other
- 14 Dec 2024
Can't answer yes or no.:
One possible way to address situations like the example provided, where a young person has an Education, Health, and Care plan (EHCP), is to gather evidence which specifies what their learning week should involve. For instance, an educational psychologist could provide a professional opinion on aspects such as the necessary number of full days per week the young person should attend post-19 provision, based on their individual needs. This evidence could then be submitted to the local authority (LA) iso the young person’s EHCP can be amended if required.
In many cases, LAs may offer a reduced learning week. However, if Section F of an EHCp states that a young person’s learning week should consist of five full days, Monday to Friday, that is what they are entitled to receive.
You might already be aware, but your young person could be eligible for legal aid. You can check eligibility by calling 0345 345 4 345. Legal aid can be particularly useful if a matter requires the involvement of the First-tier Tribunal (FtT) or if additional independent expert advice is needed.
I hope this information is helpful.