04.01 Does a school or post-16 provision have to make “reasonable adjustments” under the Equality Act 2010 for a child/young person if they have ...
... not been told they are disabled?
04.02 Does making “reasonable adjustments” under the Equality Act 2010 extend to modifying internal school policies that place a disabled child at ...
... a disadvantage?
04.03 Are schools (including post-16 provision) expected to know what reasonable adjustments are needed for a potential students who are disabled?
04.04 Does a school have to do anything to create a level playing field for my child when compared to other children who are not disabled?
04.05 Is a school allowed to ask me or my child to contribute to the cost of making reasonable adjustments for my child?
04.06 Do the protections contained in Equality Act 2010 extend to disable children who attend private school?