- Rewards 134
Questions [3]
Questions they have asked
Does anyone have any advice about 'school refusal'? My child, aged 14 hasn't been in school since Dec 2020. How can we help breakdown the barriers and ...
... help them return to school?
What are the legal consequences on parents of 'school refusal'? My child, aged 14 hasn't been in school since December 2020. Will be we fined, or ...
... imprisoned? (My child is in private school, does that make a difference?)
What are the legal consequences on parents of 'school refusal'? My child, aged 14 hasn't been in school since December 2020. Will be we fined, or ...
... imprisoned? (My child is in private school, does that make a difference?)
Answers [3]
Questions they have answered
Is it easy to get an assessment for autism?
Can you remember who first suggested you needed a Needs Assessment? Who where they? Why did they make this suggestion?
Will we get into trouble if my son misses a lesson,paid for by LA
He has been granted education other than at school,so home educating.He sleeps all day sometimes and will miss lessons,what I want to know is where do I stand with local authorities,will they want him back in school,we are both worried this may happen,we are trying to keep his sleeping in check,but he does struggle sometimes.