I use my background in both law and technology and the tools that we take for granted in the commercial legal world to improve access to justice for SEND children.
I set up SSK with Janvi Patel and Denise Nurse in early 2021.
Questions [8]
Questions they have asked
Have you been turned down by your LA for an EHC needs assessment (first stage of the EHCP process)? If so, what reason were you given and did you ...
... appeal it?
Can you pass on any advice to parents who are attending Tribunal to make it less stressful and help them be prepared?
Is it easy to get an assessment for autism?
Can children grow out of ADHD?
Can parents ask for a copy of a school's SEND policy?
If an Educational Psychologist report refers to DSM-V how do parents know what this is?
Can someone diagnosed with ADHD as a child join the army as an adult?
Can you recommend any books for me to read to learn about SEND?
Answers [4]
Questions they have answered
Who set up Support SEND Kids, and why?
Would you like to find articles by and about Support SEND Kids that can be shared by members?
KEEN London runs free supported sports, games and activity sessions for children with additional needs in London. In response to demand from older ...
... beneficiaries (wanting to get involved in volunteering themselves) we are developing a new apprenticeship programme to support young people (16+) with additional needs to gain skills and experience to support their next steps after secondary school. We would really welcome some thoughts in this short anonymous survey. The survey link is here https://forms.gle/PdE4e4zgrzNsfd4o7, any questions please get in touch - thank you
Do you know where I can hire a solicitor to challenge a private school admission refusal of my speech delayed child (sibling)?
My younger daughter (3y 9mo) has Speech delay and is on the ASD pathway. I tried to get her a place in her big sisters school but they were oversubscribed. I've gone through the schools complaint procedure and their reason for denying my speech delayed daughter a place has changed at each stage of the process. They were a non-selective school but since I accused them of SEND discrimination (during the assessment: they were giving verbal instructions to my daughter) and then refusing her a spot for not following those directions. The school now claim to be academically selective. Their school policy documents state they are non-selective. My older daughter goes to the school and I would like the younger one to join her.
They are oversubscribed this year and say they've refused other children who are more academically able than my younger daughter. At this point, the head teacher is being perfectly kind and polite but digging her heels in on the matter. I need to take things to the SEND Tribunal and I would like legal representation to look over my case in detail. There is a lot of documentation on the matter including more recently, a letter from the proprietor claiming my daughter's cognition is the reason they have not admitted her into the school and not the lack of capacity they earlier claimed. They are lying, the only reason she hasn't gotten in is because of her SEN and other factors.
For further context, there are SEN children at the school some with worse delays than my daughter presents with. I've looked around several schools in the area, both state and private and this school is truly the best option for her. The teachers are lovely, but the head teacher is stubborn.
I need legal representation please. It is clear that the school will not change their position except the Tribunal ask them to do so. Who do you recommend please. I cannot manage sending my girls to two different primary schools. Or where do you think I can find someone to represent me.
Thank you.