Results [4]
  • Can we refuse an early annual review when an appeal about the contents is underway?

    School want to do an early annual review after only six months, whilst I am doing an appeal about the contents of the original EHCP. I am worried it will complicate matters and also potentially further reduce provision.

    A B

    30 Nov 2024

  • If a child with an EHCP is excluded would that trigger an emergency review? (Or simply result in them being chucked into the next available mainstream ...

    ... school)

    J S

    19 May 2022

  • Can leverage be placed on an LA to reassess a child with an EHCP? My specific scenario is for a child with ASD in mainstream school with simple EHCP ...

    ... that specifies full time 1-1 but the school don’t know how to handle, have reduced timetable to mornings but still call to ask for pick up at times.

    J S

    19 May 2022

  • Is there a minimum time that an EHCP needs to be in place before it can be reviewed? My child has had one for a short period but the school don’t ...

    ... know how to cope, have since reduced timetable below EHCPs 1-1 funded hours and are threatening expulsion. LA pushing back on an emergency review saying not been in place long enough.

    J S

    19 May 2022